Church History
Doctrine and Covenants 64–66

Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources: Doctrine and Covenants 64–66, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources (2020)

Doctrine and Covenants 64–66, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources

Doctrine and Covenants 64–66

A stream runs through the foreground in an autumn scene with an old wooden building in the distance.

The reconstructed Kirtland ashery, built on the original site, Kirtland, Ohio, USA.


Historical background and the earliest manuscript of each revelation, as published in The Joseph Smith Papers

Revelation, 11 September 1831 [D&C 64]

Joseph Smith dictated a revelation in Kirtland, Ohio, on 11 September 1831, just a few days after arriving back from Independence, Jackson County, Missouri. Although the Missouri trip involved the identification of the site for the city of Zion and the dedication of land for the construction of a temple, it generated disappointment and disillusionment for some. More …

Revelation, 30 October 1831 [D&C 65]

On 30 October 1831, Joseph Smith dictated a revelation later characterized as a “revelation on prayer.” More …

Revelation, 29 October 1831 [D&C 66]

On 29 October 1831, William E. McLellin wrote in his journal, “The Lord condecended to hear my prayr and give me a revelation of his will, through his prophet or Seer (Joseph).” More …


Biographical facts and historical images of individuals associated with the revelations

Historical Background

Revelations in Context

Essays on the background of each revelation

Ezra Booth and Isaac Morley

D&C 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 71, 73

While Ezra Booth’s experiences in traveling to Missouri turned him away from the Church, Isaac Morley’s ultimately drew him closer. More …

William McLellin’s Five Questions

D&C 1, 65, 66, 67, 68, 133

William McLellin traveled to Kirtland and, in the course of his journey, “stepped off of a large log and strained my ankle very badly”—so much so that he petitioned Joseph to heal him. More …

Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days

Narrative history of events surrounding the revelations

Volume 1, Chapter 13

The Gift Has Returned

When Joseph returned to Kirtland in late August 1831, tension still lingered between him and a few of the elders who had gone with him to Independence. More …

Church History Topics

Essays on subjects related to the revelations


On February 4, 1831, Joseph Smith received a revelation appointing Edward Partridge as the first bishop of the Church. More …

Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood

The appearance of Peter, James, and John to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery is attested to in numerous sources. More …

Zion/New Jerusalem

The Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith’s early revelations spoke of a future city of Zion that would serve as a gathering place for the scattered descendants of Israel in the last days. More …


Keys: Authority or knowledge of God given to humankind. More …

Tithing: A free-will offering of one-tenth of a person’s annual interest or income, given to the Church for its use. More …


Maps and information about places associated with the revelations from The Joseph Smith Papers, Historic Sites, and other helpful sources


Timeline placing each revelation in the context of key events in the Church’s first century

View the chronology …
