Church History
Doctrine and Covenants 71–75

Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources: Doctrine and Covenants 71–75, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources (2020)

Doctrine and Covenants 71–75, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources

Doctrine and Covenants 71–75

Photograph of the hearth and kitchen of the John and Elsa Johnson home.

The John and Elsa Johnson home, Hiram, Ohio, USA, the site of several notable revelations. The kitchen and hearth are pictured here.


Historical background and the earliest manuscript of each revelation, as published in The Joseph Smith Papers

Revelation, 1 December 1831 [D&C 71]

After holding several conferences early in November regarding the publication of the revelations, Joseph Smith dictated a revelation on 1 December 1831 directing the Lord’s “Servents” to proclaim the gospel “in the regions round about.” More …

Revelation, 4 December 1831–A [D&C 72:1–8]

This revelation and the two that follow were all dictated on 4 December 1831 in the same setting. More …

Revelation, 4 December 1831–B [D&C 72:9–23]

Joseph Smith dictated this revelation at the same 4 December 1831 conference in Kirtland, Ohio, at which he dictated two other revelations, including one calling for the appointment of Newel K. Whitney as a bishop in Ohio. More …

Revelation, 4 December 1831–C [D&C 72:24–26]

Joseph Smith dictated this revelation the same day he dictated two other revelations pertaining to the calling of Newel K. Whitney as the bishop in Ohio, probably at a conference held on 4 December 1831 in Kirtland. More …

Photograph of a case holding various writing pens.

Pens used by Newel K. Whitney while he served as bishop, ca. 1830s, Church History Museum.

Revelation, 10 January 1832 [D&C 73]

This revelation instructed Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, and the other elders of the Church to continue preaching “in the reagions round about” until the convening of another church conference. More …

Explanation of Scripture, 1830 [D&C 74]

This “explanation” clarifies a New Testament verse, 1 Corinthians 7:14, which historically had been an important passage for justifying infant baptism. More …

Revelation, 25 January 1832–A [D&C 75:1–22]

Joseph Smith dictated this revelation and the one that follows at a general conference in Amherst, Ohio, fifty miles west of Kirtland, Ohio, on 25 January 1832. More …

Revelation, 25 January 1832–B [D&C 75:23–36]

This is the second of two revelations dictated at a general conference of elders held on 25 January 1832 in Amherst, Ohio. More …


Biographical facts and historical images of individuals associated with the revelations

Photo of a carefully finished wooden lap desk.

Newel K. Whitney’s lap desk, Church History Museum.

Historical Background

Conference Minutes, 23 January 1832

Minutes of a general Conference held in the land of Zion (Kaw Township Jackson County Missouri,) at the dwelling house of Newel Knight. January 23.1832. More …

Revelations in Context

Essays on the background of each revelation

Ezra Booth and Isaac Morley

D&C 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 71, 73

Shortly after his return to Ohio, Ezra Booth parted ways with the Church in a very public fashion. More …

“I Quit Other Business”: Early Missionaries

D&C 42, 75, 79, 80, 84, 99

The combination of individual initiative and divine mandate spurred early missionary work. More …

Photograph of the inside cover of a copy of the Book of Mormon owned by Samuel H. Smith.

Samuel H. Smith, the Prophet’s brother and one of the Eight Witnesses, was also one of the Church’s earliest missionaries. He preached to members of Brigham Young’s family, and they acquired this copy of the Book of Mormon from him.

Book of Mormon, owned by Samuel H. Smith, 1830, Church History Museum.

Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days

Narrative history of events surrounding the revelations

Volume 1, Chapter 14

Visions and Nightmares

A few days after his baby’s burial, Joseph returned to the work despite his grief. More …

Church History Topics

Essays on subjects related to the revelations.


On February 4, 1831, Joseph Smith received a revelation appointing Edward Partridge as the first bishop of the Church. More …

Consecration and Stewardship

Since the dawn of the Christian era, many groups have tried to emulate the New Testament Christians who “had all things common.” More …


The first Latter-day Saints answered the Lord’s call to gather to Zion by relocating from their homelands to central gathering places. More …


Baptism: An ordinance in which an individual is immersed in water for the remission of sins. More …

Bishop: An ecclesiastical and priesthood office. More …


Maps and information about places associated with the revelations from The Joseph Smith Papers, Historic Sites, and other helpful sources

Brief Chronology

Timeline placing each revelation in the context of key events in the Church’s first century
