Church History
“A Great Treasure”

“‘A Great Treasure,’” Global Histories: Romania (2019)

“‘A Great Treasure,’” Global Histories: Romania

“A Great Treasure”

In 1995, just two weeks after Vasile Doru was baptized in Montréal, Canada, he received a distinct spiritual impression that he should return to his native Romania. “In my heart I felt that God has given me a great treasure,” said Vasile, “and that it would be nice of me to go back … and share it with my people.” This was not an easy decision; getting to Canada had been difficult, and he was hesitant at the prospect of returning to poverty and hunger in Romania. Vasile fasted and prayed for guidance. “Lord, what’s happened?” he asked. “Does this come from You?” He received an answer that same day. “The Lord told me that I won’t have a family in Canada,” Vasile recalled, “that my wife waits for me in Romania.” He resolved to leave after another year. In that time, he saved money, served as a stake missionary, received the Melchizedek Priesthood, received his patriarchal blessing, and attended the temple to receive his endowment. In November 1996, Vasile moved to Bucharest and began his service in the Church there.

In June 1998 while conducting a fireside, Vasile saw a woman from the branch walk in late with a friend he hadn’t seen before. After the meeting, Vasile was introduced to the friend, Ana-Maria, who had attended several churches in search of truth. “Nowhere did I feel what I felt here,” she said. “I was received with much love.” After her experience at the fireside, she felt nearly convinced that she should join the Church. Ana-Maria enjoyed attending church and hearing people share their testimonies, but she wondered if she could ever have the courage to do the same. That November, Vasile baptized Ana-Maria. As the date approached, Ana-Maria was invited to share her testimony publicly for the first time. Though she was nervous, she prayed and received a priesthood blessing from Vasile. When the time came, she spoke with ease for 15 minutes. A week later, Vasile and Ana-Maria were married.

Vasile and Ana-Maria supported one another in their Church service and spiritual goals. Ana-Maria’s first calling was to teach the Primary children. She found that her service strengthened her faith. “I also developed spiritually and learned how to forgive myself,” she recalled. At this same time, Vasile served as district mission president, fulfilling his desire to share the gospel in Romania. Sometimes his missionary service meant baptizing new converts, but more often it meant simply reaching out in love to those around him. For example, one day at work a woman was crying, and Vasile offered words of comfort. “[The Lord] lives,” he told her. “He loves you. He wants you to be in peace.”

Doru family

Vasile and Ana-Maria Doru with their children, 2016.

In April 2000, Vasile and Ana-Maria traveled with their first child to the Freiberg Germany Temple to be sealed for eternity. They rejoiced to be raising a new generation in the Church. “An immense joy fills my heart,” Vasile said, “seeing the growth of the restored kingdom of the Lord on Romanian land.”
