Church History
Episode 21: The Church Grows from Missouri to Great Britain

rainbow over country road

Episode 21: The Church Grows from Missouri to Great Britain

While Joseph Smith reveals the place in Missouri where Adam gathered his posterity, Heber C. Kimball and others preach in Britain. British convert Janetta Richards meets Willard Richards, who proposes marriage. The so-called “Danites” work to intimidate Church dissenters. Jennifer Lund, director of Historic Sites for the Church History Department, brings her understanding to the conversation.

Additional Resources

Chapters Discussed in This Episode:

  • Chapter 26: A Holy and Consecrated Land

  • Chapter 27: We Proclaim Ourselves Free

Associated Church History Topics:

  • Adam-ondi-Ahman

  • Church Discipline

  • Consecration and Stewardship

  • Danites

  • Dissent in the Church

  • Early Missionaries

  • Elijah Able

  • England

  • Far West

  • The Gathering of Israel

  • High Council

  • Oliver Cowdery

  • Name of the Church

  • Quorums of the Seventy

  • Quorum of the Twelve>

  • Revelations of Joseph Smith

  • Sidney Rigdon

  • Slavery and Abolition

  • Tithing


