Why Every Woman Needs Relief Society
May 1977

“Why Every Woman Needs Relief Society,” Tambuli, May 1977, 14–15

Why Every Woman Needs Relief Society

… Worldliness is increasing at a frightening rate. I do not speak of sin and corruption alone. I speak also of worldly philosophies and ideologies which now compete with the gospel for our acceptance and adoption.

We are too prone to accept the wisdom of the world rather than the humble advice of leaders of the Church.

Now is the time to remind ourselves that God has restored his gospel and that it is given to us as a way of life—our way of life—God’s way of life.

When the Prophet Joseph Smith organized and established the Church, he included in that organization, the women’s Relief Society. Do we realize the significance of that?

Relief Society was made a part of the restored church by action of the great restorer, Joseph Smith. It was given to the women of the Church in Nauvoo during the formative period of the Church. It was intended to fill a great need. It was expected that it would be perpetuated down through the years. It was to accomplish certain specific ends. For example:

1. It was to make better Latter-day Saints of us all.

2. It was to build stronger homes.

3. It was to strengthen our marriages.

4. It was to help us rear stronger Latter-day Saint children.

5. It was to help us make the Golden Rule function better among us as we render compassionate service to others.

6. It was to strengthen our communities and make our neighborhoods better places to live.

7. It was to educate our sisters in successful ways to solve their personal problems.

8. It was to give them an appreciation of good literature and other cultural advantages to enrich and broaden their lives.

9. It was to help our women see their inspired role in life as partners with God in the high estate of wives and mothers.

10. It was to help our sisters to know that Mormon women are not second class citizens; that they are not confined and circumscribed; and that they need not look for liberation in the avenues of the world.

Inasmuch, then, as Relief Society is the inspired and God-given organization for the women of the Church, is it not needed by every Latter-day Saint woman? What Mormon woman can say to the Relief Society, “I have no need of thee”?

Relief Society is vital to the welfare of every Latter-day Saint woman. But more than that, it is also essential to the welfare of every Latter-day Saint family. Otherwise, why would the Almighty have made it an integral part of his modern kingdom?

Since the Relief Society program will benefit the entire family, the whole family should support it and encourage all sisters to participate in it. Children should want their mothers to attend and learn how to be better mothers. And certainly fathers, of all people, should earnestly desire their wives to become a part of this great organization. Husbands should even selfishly desire this in the interest of better homemaking, of improving the atmosphere of the home, and of increasing its efficiency. But especially should fathers support it as a means of bringing into the family circle that portion of the restored kingdom of God which is available only through the Relief Society. Every husband and father should actually sponsor the attendance of his wife in Relief Society. It should be a “must” in every household.

Many women do not attend Relief Society. They have not yet seen the opportunity it affords. They have not yet learned that Relief Society is given us to help solve many of the problems that are now baffling the women of today.

The full import of the restored gospel seems not yet to have dawned upon them. This is more regrettable since it is only through this gospel that we may truly serve the Lord and receive his blessings, and his blessings will bring us peace.

And keep in mind that Relief Society is a part of his program.

Be Relief Society missionaries. As you do so, you will be as saviors on Mount Zion to thousands. Their souls are precious; their families are precious in the sight of God. As you bring in these women, you may be bringing salvation to their entire households.

So, sisters, as a means of saving souls and strengthening families, let us endeavor to bring every woman to Relief Society.
