December 1979

“Quotations,” Tambuli, Dec. 1979, 5


We carry upon our shoulders the reputation of the Church, each and every one of us.
—Heber J. Grant

In the awesome war we must wage to bring righteousness and salvation to men, we must stand shoulder to shoulder and go forward as one.
—Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark, David O. McKay

… No man of himself can lead this church. It is the church of Jesus Christ. He is at the head. The Church bears his name: It has his priesthood, ministers his gospel, preaches his doctrine, and accomplishes his work. … If this were the work of man, it would fail. But it is the work of the Lord and he does not fail. Our faith is centered in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and through him, in the Father.
—Joseph Fielding Smith
