Let’s Keep a Journal
February 1988

“Let’s Keep a Journal,” Tambuli, Feb. 1988, C6

Let’s Keep a Journal

Write the things which ye have seen and heard, … For behold, out of the books which have been written, and which shall be written, shall this people be judged, for by them shall their works be known unto men. (3 Ne. 27:23, 25.)

When Lehi and his family journeyed to America, they took provisions, tents—and the record of their people! Why this record? Since the time of Adam, God’s people have been commanded to keep a record of their doings.

Jesus Christ even commanded that the Nephites write down everything about His visit to America, especially His teachings to the people. These records, and others like them, constitute our scriptures.

“The things I do will never be considered scripture,” you say. How do you know? You may be one of the future leaders of the Church whose life will be an important part of scriptures yet to be written.

“But my life isn’t at all interesting,” you protest. Perhaps it doesn’t seem interesting to you now, but a hundred years from now your great-great-grandchildren will be fascinated to know what happened during your time on earth.

Did you live when the first rockets were launched into space and the first man walked on the moon? No? Your grandparents and parents did. Did they write about those events? And you do live when spacecrafts are taking pictures of far distant planets, when temples are being built all over the world, and when Heavenly Father gives us wonderful new revelations. Are you writing about these things in your journal?

Have you been baptized yet? Are you preparing to be baptized soon? What are your feelings about this important event? Have you written about those feelings in your journal?

What kinds of games do you play? What books do you read? What television programs do you watch, and what are they about? What are your favorite scripture stories? What are you doing each day to live more like Jesus would want you to?

President Spencer W. Kimball said, “People often use the excuse that their lives are uneventful and nobody would be interested in what they have done. But I promise you that if you will keep your journals and records, they will indeed be a source of great inspiration to your families, to your children, your grandchildren, and others, on through the generations.” (Ensign, November 1978, page 4.)

If you still think that it’s hard to know what to write each day, you might make copies of the “My Journal” page, which follows. Put them in a notebook, and use it for your journal. Or use the page as a sample of what to write in the journal that you’re already using. When you’re older, you will probably reread your journal and say, “This is pretty interesting after all!”

My Journal

Today’s date: ___________________________________________________

What happened today at school/home/church, and how I feel about it: _________

One new thing I learned today: ______________________________________

What my friends and I did today: _____________________________________

What my family and I did today: ______________________________________

One of the things that the newspapers and television news programs say is happening in the world today, and how I feel about it: ________________________________________________________

For my scripture study today I read: ___________________________________

Today I am thankful for: ____________________________________________

One goal I’m working on, and the progress I’m making: ____________________
