Who Is This Prophet?
February 1988

“Who Is This Prophet?” Tambuli, Feb. 1988, C2

Who Is This Prophet?

1 Born July 19, 1876
Ordained an apostle by his own father
Read the Book of Mormon twice before he was ten years old
Became President of the Church when 93 years old

2 Born March 28, 1895
Memorized the Articles of Faith while milking cows
Loved and helped the Lamanite people
Wrote the book, The Miracle of Forgiveness

3 Born April 4, 1870
Had the Book of Mormon printed in Braille for the blind
Made a list of his goals, called a creed, by which he lived his life
Had tons of food and clothing sent to Europe for those suffering the effects of World War II

4 Born November 13, 1838
Became an orphan at the age of 13
Went on a mission to Hawaii when 15 years old
Received Doctrine and Covenants Section 138 by revelation

5 Born June 1, 1801
Learned to be a good leader when marching with Zion’s Camp
Led the pioneers across the plains to Utah
Was president of the Church for over 29 years, longer than any other prophet

6 Born March 1, 1807
Converted about 1,800 people on a mission to Great Britain
Narrowly escaped death several times as a child
Wrote his experiences in a journal

7 Born March 28, 1899
Grew up on a farm
Started the Welfare program to help those in need
Learned to play the piano and several other musical instruments


  • 1. President Joseph Fielding Smith, 2. President Spencer W. Kimball, 3. President George Albert Smith, 4. President Joseph F. Smith, 5. President Brigham Young, 6. President Wilford Woodruff, 7. President Harold B. Lee

Brigham Young; Wilford Woodruff; Joseph F. Smith; George Albert Smith; Joseph Fielding Smith; Harold B. Lee; Spencer W. Kimball
