The Word of Wisdom
November 1989

“The Word of Wisdom,” Tambuli, Nov. 1989, 7

The Word of Wisdom

(The Word of Wisdom is found in D&C 89.)

In the early days of the restored Church, the Prophet Joseph Smith held meetings with the men of the Church to instruct them in priesthood and gospel matters. The brethren would smoke and shew tobacco during these meetings. The floor of the meeting room became dirty and needed cleaning when the men went home. The next day the Prophet’s wife, Emma, would work very hard to scrub and clean the room. The Prophet wondered if the men should smoke and chew tobacco. He prayed and asked Heavenly Father what was right.

As an answer to his prayers, Joseph Smith was given a revelation called the Word of Wisdom. The Word of Wisdom is a health law telling us about things that are good for our bodies and things that are bad for our bodies. The Lord promises us we will be blessed if we obey the Word of Wisdom.

Alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee are things that are bad for our bodies and Heavenly Father does not approve of our using them.

Things that are good for our bodies are grains and herbs and fruits. Meat is also good for us, but we are to eat very little of it except in times of cold weather or famine.

The Lord has promised us if we keep the Word of Wisdom we “shall receive health, … find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, … run and not be weary, … and shall walk and not faint.”
