We Love You
December 1989

“We Love You,” Tambuli, Dec. 1989, 40

Young Women Celebration

“We Love You”

My dear young sisters, how grateful I am to greet you. Today young women around the world are gathered together in a great sisterhood. I want you to know of my deep love and appreciation for each of you.

Building on the foundation of the past and with a vision of the future, I issue a call to you dear young sisters: Prepare yourselves that you may be fit and pure vessels to bear triumphantly the responsibilities of the kingdom of God in preparation for the second coming of our Savior. Make a commitment to read the Book of Mormon. Apply its teachings so you will be able to stand straight against the wiles of the devil and you will be a mighty tool in the hands of the Lord.

I invite your priesthood leaders to join with me in ringing a bell for renewed commitment to set aside the things of the world. We call upon you to unite in strength and power as you commit to stand for truth and righteousness.

We love you. We pray for you. We have confidence in you. I feel impressed to leave my blessing upon each one of you dear sisters. May you always remember that it is possible to live in the world without partaking of the sins of the world.

Determine to live in such a way “that Christ’s true light through my may shine—His name to glorify.” May that be the clarion call for each of you as you stand for truth and righteousness I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

President Ezra Taft Benson, center, and Sister Ardeth G. Kapp, with actor James Arrington depicting President Brigham Young who formed the Young Ladies Retrenchment Society in 1869.
