Remember Him through the Sacrament
April 1990

“Remember Him through the Sacrament,” Tambuli, Apr. 1990, 8

Visiting Teaching Message:

Remember Him through the Sacrament

And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me (Luke 22:19).

One Sunday morning, Janalee Gale, a nurse working at a large Salt Lake City hospital, heard an announcement about church services for patients. Janalee checked with her patients, but found that most of them were too ill or too tired to attend.

However, one woman—a Latter-day Saint—said that she would like to attend the Latter-day Saint service. Janalee quickly helped the patient get ready and combed her hair. Although the patient was in constant pain, she didn’t complain.

Some time later, the woman took Janalee’s hand and said, “I just wanted to thank you for helping me get to church. I haven’t been for awhile because I’ve been so ill. When I partook of the sacrament …” she paused, then continued, “I felt God’s Spirit, and I just knew that Christ is my Savior.” Both women were moved to tears. (See Tambuli, December 1983, “The Forgotten Sabbath,” by Janalee Gale.)

Remembering the Savior is a vital part of the sacrament service. The emblems we partake of each Sunday are a physical reminder of the covenants we make at baptism, when we take upon us the name of Christ and declare ourselves to be his disciples. As we hear the prayers offered on the bread and water, we are given time to reflect upon the Savior’s sacrifice for our sins and remember him. We are reminded of the blessings we can receive as we strive to keep those baptismal covenants—that we may always have the Lord’s Spirit to be with us.

What a wonderful promise! Just as Janalee’s patient felt the Lord’s comforting Spirit as she partook of the sacrament, we, too, can have the Spirit’s comfort and guidance. We do so by keeping the covenants we make when we partake of the sacrament and striving to live a Christlike life. If, for example, we have sinned against or hold bad feelings about someone, we should repent and reconcile ourselves with that person.

Then, as we remember the Savior’s example, we can better pattern our lives after his.

Suggestions for Visiting Teachers

  1. You or the sister you visit may want to share an experience of when making a special effort to partake of the sacrament meaningfully proved to be a blessing.

  2. Suggest ways we can better remember and worship the Savior through partaking of the sacrament. How can remembering him help us in our daily lives?

(See Family Home Evening Resource Book, pages 55–63 for related materials.)

Illustrated by Beth Whittaker
