June 1990

“Comment,” Tambuli, June 1990, 1


Puerto Rican Missionary

I was baptized three years ago on the island of Puerto Rico in the Carribean. I am now serving in the Texas San Antonio Mission. I am so thankful to the Lord because he sent me to work with the Latin people in the United States. A mission is an experience that everyone should have. I feel that dedicating two years of my life to preach the gospel is a wonderful way to serve the Lord. We need to unite our efforts so the Kingdom of God can grow here on the earth.

Elder Jose Tomas Leon
Texas San Antonio Mission

Vision of Hope

My father, Juan Castro Duque, is the president of the Chile Osorno Mission. One warm, sunny, Saturday afternoon he asked us to accompany him to a baptism he had been invited to perform. As we drove to the lake, where the baptism would take place, it began to rain and everyone was getting wet and muddy. The rain continued through the service.

When the service was over, the wind became a soft breeze, the rain slowed, and the lake was calm. Then, a beautiful rainbow appeared. The sky was still covered by dark clouds, but the rainbow was radiant.

It was then that I understood that the sacrifice of baptism to join Christ’s church was worth anything. It did not matter anymore if we had to worry about bad weather or other trivial things, after witnessing a miracle of such beauty. Since that day, I have felt our Heavenly Father’s love much more. I know it was He who gave us that beautiful vision of peace, love, and hope.

Carolina Castro
Osorno, Chile

Missionary Tool

I love the A Liahona (Portuguese) because I feel that it can help us reach a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. In addition, it makes me feel closer to the General Authorities.

I consider the magazine a blessing and a necessary support of the missionary work, because the experiences in it fully reflect the love of the Lord for his children through the beautiful Plan of Salvation.

Tania Aparecida Moyano
São Paolo, Brazil

Wonderful Country

To be a citizen of a country such as Mexico is wonderful reason to thank my Heavenly Father. I am truly happy to have been born in Mexico, and to see the continual advance of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in my country.

The opportunity to have free agency, the right to worship God, and a beautiful temple are all reason enough to say, “Thank you, Heavenly Father, for my beautiful country and for everything in it.”

Sara Mera Garcia
Hidalgo, Mexico

Book of Mormon

I would like all my brothers and sisters in the world to read the Book of Mormon. The purpose of the Book of Mormon is to help us to achieve eternal life and to be successful here on earth.

Sergio Samuel Zavaleta
Reforma, Mexico

Temple Blessings

Some of the greatest experiences in my life have come from attending the temple in Mexico City and sacrificing things to do so.

Once, there was a misunderstanding about the time the bus left for a temple trip and it had already departed when the Church members arrived. We prayed and were able to take a later bus. Many of the members had to stand the entire 400 kilometers and we were blessed through the priesthood to be strong and healthy. We all arrived and had a very spiritual experience.

I have a testimony of attending the temple. Nothing can stop me from going. I know there is a higher spirituality when we go.

Francisco J. Reyes Rodriguez
Oaxaca, Mexico
