November 1990

“Comment,” Tambuli, Nov. 1990, 1


Path of Light

In 1967 when my wife and I were baptized, the missionaries gave us a subscription to the Liahona (Spanish). Getting to know our Father in Heaven, and learning more about Him and feeling the love He and our Brother and Savior, Jesus Christ, have for us has been like a soft light that has gradually been settling in our lives.

Over the years, the articles in the Liahona have strengthened us so much. Reading the messages of the prophets has been a guide along a path of light to a better life. Our three children have been raised in the gospel. They have completed full-time missions, and continue to reflect the gospel way of life through their examples.

Now my wife and I are serving in the Easter Island (Chile Santiago North Mission). We are grateful for the messages from the First Presidency that help keep us on the path of light, and help us to serve our brothers and sisters here in Rapa-Nui. The Liahona helps us as we share the message of salvation and eternal life.

Elder Pedro Sandoval and Sister Elena M. Sandoval
Rapa-Nui Branch, Easter Island

Money Well Spent

As I read the positive comments each month about how wonderful the Church magazines are, it suddenly occurred to me “We’re telling the wrong people.” What would happen if each one of us, when we read a great article, told a friend or someone in our ward how great it was? What would happen if, in our testimonies, we shared experiences on how the Church magazines had touched our lives? What would happen if every family in our wards had a subscription? I think what would happen is more people would be touched by the message of the gospel, lives would be changed, and our friends would be able to feel what we feel.

Also, I think the number of subscriptions would double. Go ahead, take the challenge, tell a friend! Give a subscription. It’s the best money you’ll ever spend on someone. To all those who work for Church magazines: Keep up the great work. You’re terrific!

Gaylyn Shoemaker
Auburn, Washington

That Very Day

I really enjoy reading the Church Magazine. Recently I have been having problems. I knew I would have to tell my bishop in order to truly repent. I just couldn’t muster up the strength to confess my sins to him. Then I got the August issue of Tambuli. It discussed the problem I had in the Question and Answer section. (See “Confessing to the Bishop,” page 28.) After reading it I realized that I was not alone. That very day I went to my bishop and talked to him. It was hard, but your article gave me the strength. Thanks to the authors and the youth who shared their experiences. I know that you were truly inspired.

Name Withheld
