November 1990

“Contents,” Tambuli, Nov. 1990


November 1990

Volume 14, Number 11

On the cover: Although completely deaf, Deborah Ferguson still manages to communicate the joy of gospel living. See “Listen with Your Heart,” page 15.

Inside back cover: “Moses Calls Aaron to the Ministry,” by Harry Anderson. Following the exodus from Egypt, the Lord commanded the Israelites to create a tabernacle to serve as a portable temple. Upon its completion, Moses consecrated Aaron and his four sons to administer the temple ordinances. And Moses, “poured of the anointing oil upon Aaron’s head, and anointed him, to sanctify him.” (See Lev. 8:1–12.)

Back cover: Despite some special challenges, communication is no problem for the Ferguson family of Northern Ireland. See “Listen with Your Heart,” page 15.
