February 1991

“Comment,” Tambuli, Feb. 1991, 1



Our congratulations on the Liahona’s (Spanish) new “look.” We truly enjoy the pleasant reading the magazine provides. The help it gives us as directors of the family history centers for Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay is invaluable.

We have used articles from the magazine in presentations to priesthood leaders and ward and branch members to help them realize the need to “turn their hearts to their fathers.”

We owe the success of our mission to the Lord, and to this beautiful magazine.

Elder and Sister Rufino Rodriguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Very Meaningful

The article in the April 1990 issue, “I’m Sorry, Bertha,” was very meaningful to me. I suppose it is because I’ve been rather like Bertha all my life. The teenagers in the ward I attended in a small town were full of “exclusive” groups and I was never a part of them. I was rarely invited to a party or other activities. Even throughout my high school years I was still left out.

I am a young adult now and am still much the same type of person—shy, self-conscious, vulnerable. I have been hurt deeply. I only hope the article can help youth see the need to reach out to other people and include them in their activities. Please look to see who you may be hurting by your attitude.

Name Withheld

Helps Me Grow

Thank you for the Liahona (Spanish). It helps me grow in the gospel and come to know my Heavenly Father better.

The magazine also helps me serve in my Church callings as a stake missionary, stake mission secretary, and elders quorum instructor.

Gerardo Garcia
Montevideo, Uruguay

A Blessing

Our congratulations to the editors of A Liahona (Portuguese) for their efficient and worthy performance.

As a family we have had some very special moments sharing articles that have helped us understand the eternal gospel of Jesus Christ.

Reading A Liahona is a blessing to us.

Nilton Antonio P.S. de Souza
Nilton Alexandre P. de Souza
Bianca Cristiane P. de Souza
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
