February 1991

“Contents,” Tambuli, Feb. 1991


February 1991

Volume 15, Number 2

On the cover: “A land where nomads dwell, wandering as freely as the sheep and goats they tend.” See “In This Holy Land,” page 10. The front cover, and back cover photographs of Bethlehem and the River Jordan, by Floyd Holdman. Mt. Tabor by Don O. Thorpe; Garden Tomb by LaMar C. Berrett.

Back cover: Bethlehem, River Jordan, Mt. Tabor, Garden Tomb

In His divine role, the Lord could have selected any portion of this bounteous planet to accomplish His mission. He could have chosen lands of lush vegetation and breathtaking beauty. Instead, He selected a land with places stark and arid that He made holy. In triumph, He will come again. See “In This Holy Land,” page 10.

Inside back cover: “In the Carpenter’s Shop” by Del Parson. Although we know little of the boyhood of Jesus, Luke records that “the child grew and waxed strong in spirit,” and that he was “subject unto” his earthly parents, Joseph and Mary (Luke 2:40, 51). As well as learning the law and the scriptures, it was the custom of the day for sons to also learn their father’s trade, and by so doing, Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52).
