May 1991

“Comment,” Tambuli, May 1991, 1


Filled with Love

As a new member of the Church I still have a lot to learn. Not many publications can touch my heart like the Shentao Che Cheng (Chinese). I was deeply touched and could not help but cry as I read the talks by the Brethren in the 160th semiannual general conference report. The whole issue is filled with love and spirituality. Other members in my ward were also impressed by the messages in that issue.

I am so grateful for the blessings from our Heavenly Father that my wife and I could be members of this true Church. We live the gospel principles diligently in order to teach our children and hope that they will both serve as missionaries for the Church someday.

Tung-Chi Chiang
Hsin-Chu Branch
Taiwan Hsin-Chu District


The Liahona (Spanish) magazine is a source of continual inspiration and motivation for me as well as for my family, as I’m sure it is for thousands of people who read it. My eight-year-old son has had his own subscription for a year, and my wife and I each have one.

Many of the magazine’s talks and stories have helped me as second counselor in our stake presidency to motivate our members to do the things that the Lord wants them to do.

However, lately I have noticed, since it is my assignment as counselor, that there are few or no talks or articles about the temple and family history. Could you dedicate a number of your magazines to these subjects? Talks by General Authorities, articles about sacrifice, faith, loyalty, and dedication to these two important subjects could be some of the themes of that (or those) issue(s).

Israel Rubalcava López
Puebla, México


Last year, a friend who is a member of the Church loaned me copies of the Liahona (Spanish). The first one I read was the January 1990 issue containing the report of the October 1989 general conference. There were so many beautiful articles about our Heavenly Father, and I realized how important and valuable it is to read the words of the Lord’s prophet.

Since then, I have read several issues of this beautiful magazine. Based on my experience, I think I can say that the scriptures teach me the theory of living righteously, and the magazine gives me the strength to apply the theory.

I enjoy reading the Liahona so much that I want my own subscription, even though I am not a member of the Church.

Víctor Manuel Villegas Pérez
Veracruz, México
