October 1991

“Contents,” Tambuli, Oct. 1991


October 1991

Volume 15, Number 10

On the cover: Church convert Elena Stolyar, 26, of Leningrad, finds the gospel reshaping her life with “new values, new friends, and new hopes.” See “The Gospel in the Soviet Union,” page 10. Photography by Giles H. Florence, Jr.

Inside back cover: The Golden Gate, Jerusalem. Built in the seventh century on the traditional site of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (see Matt. 21:8–11), the Golden or Eastern Gate has been sealed since 1530. Many believe that it will be opened again as Jesus enters the city at his second coming. (See Ezek. 44:1–3.) (Photography by William Floyd Holdman.)

Back cover: As cathedrals and churches in the Soviet Union undergo renovation and renewal, so the restored gospel brings renewal and a new way of life to the people. See “The Gospel in the Soviet Union,” page 10.
