Family: A Center of Spiritual Growth
October 1991

“Family: A Center of Spiritual Growth,” Tambuli, Oct. 1991, 25

Visiting Teaching Message:

Family: A Center of Spiritual Growth

The Book of Mormon tells of two thousand remarkably faithful young men who fought for liberty with Helaman. “Never have I seen so great courage,” wrote Helaman. He then explained the source of their faith: “They had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them” (Alma 56:45, 47).

Elder James E. Faust explained the power of what we learn at home: “It is in a home and with a family that values are usually acquired, traditions are fostered, and commitments to others are established. There are really no adequate substitutes [for home and family]” (General Conference, April 1987).

Putting the Lord First

The Hurtado family—a widowed mother and her four children—ran a small store in their home in Bolivia. Sunday was the day the store did the most business. Missionaries taught and baptized the whole family. The week after they were baptized, one daughter asked Sister Hurtado who would stay home to tend the store on Sunday. Her mother announced that the store would now be closed on Sunday. Her daughter reminded her that they would lose their best business, but Sister Hurtado remained firm. Eventually, the store’s overall sales actually increased.

That daughter learned from her mother’s commitment to the gospel. Later she served a mission. And as she taught the gospel, she often told about her mother’s decision to obey the commandments. (See Sandra Stallings, “The Faith to Obey,” Ensign, April 1987, pp. 34–35.)

The family’s priorities are of eternal significance. President Ezra Taft Benson asked, “Are we striving to put the Lord first and to please Him?” (General Conference, April 1988).

What are some ways we can put the Lord first in our families?

A Place to Grow Spiritually

When we put the Lord first in our home, it becomes a place where our spirits can be renewed and strengthened. Sister Margaret Murdock of Salt Lake City was asked to teach a Relief Society lesson about the scriptures. As she prepared her lesson, she began to realize that she had never studied the scriptures enough to make them part of her everyday thinking. As a single mother of five with a responsible job, she knew she needed more guidance.

Now Sister Murdock studies the scriptures for a half hour each morning and also at night. And for the first time, she is finding that the Lord’s words come to mind when she has problems at work or with her children. “Now I see the people I deal with at work as children of our Heavenly Father, whether they are religious or not,” says Sister Murdock. One of her co-workers is rude and hard to work with. “He’s a child of God, too,” says sister Murdock. “He just doesn’t know it yet.” Because she is taking the time for the Lord at home, Sister Murdock is feeling greater peace—whatever difficulties may arise.

Our family may be large or small. It may include a married couple or a single adult. It may or may not include children. But whatever the circumstance, each of us can make our family a center of spiritual growth.

What activities can help us grow spiritually?
