“Christmas Crafts,” Tambuli, Dec. 1991, 16
Christmas Crafts
Designer Bag
To make a designer bag, you will need: a small paper bag, scissors, white paper, a pencil, markers or crayons, and colored tissue paper or wrapping paper.
Without unfolding it, cut the top of the bag according to one of the two designs shown.
Trace one of the patterns on this page onto white paper and cut it out. Trace the copied pattern onto the front of the bag and carefully cut it out of the bag.
Decorate the front of the bag with markers or crayons, then line it with colored tissue paper or wrapping paper, so that the paper shows through the cutout section of the bag.
Use your designer bag as a wrapping for a gift or to take treats to friends during the holidays.
Paper Garland
To make a paper garland, you will need: white paper, a pencil, colored paper, scissors, glue, and markers or crayons.
Trace one of the garland patterns on this page. Cut it out. Cut a strip of paper at least the height of the pattern. Trace the pattern onto one edge of the strip of paper, then accordian-fold the paper the width of the pattern.
Cut around the traced pattern. Do not cut where there is a broken line.
To make a long garland, cut several holly leaves or bows out of green or red construction paper, using the patterns given. Draw red berries on the holly with a marker or crayon. Glue the edges of two garlands to the back of the holly or bow (see illustration), and let it dry. Make long garlands of all one design, or alternate designs.
Illustration by Dick Brown