On the cover: Nativity scenes from around the world celebrate Christ’s birth and represent the culture and traditions of their creators. See “The Nativity,” page 34. Photography by Steve Bunderson.
Back cover: This Nativity scene from Hong Kong is made of bamboo. The arms of Mary, Joseph, and the three Wise Men were once clasped as if in earnest prayer. But through the years, the bamboo has dried out and split open so that Mary and two of the Wise Men appear to welcome the miracle with open arms. (See “The Nativity,” page 34.)
Inside back cover: “Spanish Nativity Scene,” by J. Puig Llobera. Mary and Joseph kneel in humble adoration of the Christ child. These handcrafted terra-cotta figurines are wearing clothing made of papier-mâché. The clothing reflects the rich old-world origins of the Spanish culture. (Photograph by Ron Read.)