February 1992

“Comment,” Tambuli, Feb. 1992, 1


Strengthening the Kingdom

I want to tell you how much the Church members in France appreciate the updated look of L‘Etoile (French). The change was dramatic and very welcomed. Thank you for your great contribution to strengthening the kingdom through various language editions of the International Magazines.

Neil L. Andersen
President, France Bordeaux Mission

A Wider Variety

It is my pleasure to say that A Liahona (Portuguese) is spectacular, and we are all uplifted by the articles we read. The cover photographs are well designed, and the pictures are well chosen.

I’d like to suggest that, whenever possible, you publish photographs of past prophets, either in the adult or children section. Our children will know who these prophets were and how and why they were called to serve the Lord.

Photographs of the temples throughout the world would also be a beautiful addition. We’d like to know all about them—how they were built, the people who built them, and their surroundings, particularly the gardens.

Another suggestion would be more frequent articles about the Tabernacle Choir. I enjoy music very much and am fascinated by choirs, particularly the Tabernacle Choir. I was privileged to hear the Tabernacle Choir sing here in Brazil in 1981 when they took part in the “Program for Americas” and lent their help to the poor children in South America. I owe my growth in the Church to the gift of music; I can sense the spiritual strength the pioneers possessed while they sang the beautiful Church hymns. I realize that you recently published an article on the Choir and that photos of the Choir are in the general conference issues, but they are in black and white only and we would love to learn more about the Choir itself.

Taylor Samways
Vila María Ward, São Paulo Brazil North Stake

EDITOR’S NOTE: In a future issue, we will have a special report on the Tabernacle Choir’s 1991 historic tour of eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Another future issue will feature the temples around the world.

A Spiritual Guide

During almost thirty years as a member of the Church, I always read the Liahona (Spanish) as I ride to and from work. As I read the January 1991 issue, I strongly felt the Spirit tell me that the conference messages from the General Authorities are modern revelations and that we should use them in sacrament meeting.

As president of the General San Martín Branch in Mar del Plata, Argentina, I will use these conference messages as the Spirit indicated to me. Now I see a similarity between the Liahona—the compass the Prophet Lehi found outside his tent—and this magazine.

Fiorino Berardo
General San Martín Branch, Mar del Plata Argentina Stake
