August 1993

“Comment,” Tambuli, Aug. 1993, 1


Best Magazine

If I were asked to choose the best magazine in the world, without doubt it would be the Liahona (Spanish). Its articles tell of people who have persevered in the face of adversity, and its pages are full of examples of faithfulness, patience, and love. I particularly enjoy articles about areas where the Church is still in its infancy.

Christian Ramírez
Batey Branch, Barahona District
Dominican Republic

Of Great Interest

I was introduced to the Liahona (Spanish) long before I ever joined the Church. My sister was a member and always brought copies of the magazine home. The articles, messages, and comments awoke in me a great interest in the Church and its mission. I wanted to know more. I began to meet with the full-time missionaries, and eventually both my father and I were baptized. Today, I receive my own copy of my favorite magazine, which I share with several of my non-member friends.

Patricio O. Lobos
Corvi Ward, Quillota Stake

Spiritual Progress

I have been a member of the Church for more than two years, and I am thankful for the help the Liahona (Spanish) is in my life.

I truly feel good when I read the articles in the magazine. I am very grateful for the messages from the First Presidency. I know their words are inspired. I also enjoy, with the children, reading the special section for them.

I am not alone in feeling that the magazine helps me in my spiritual progress. I have heard many others express the same sentiment.

Juny Aracely Rivera
Santa Barbara Branch, La Entrada District
