A Stitch in Time Saves
August 1993

“A Stitch in Time Saves,” Tambuli, Aug. 1993, 44–45

A Stitch in Time Saves

It happens to everyone: You hurry to an appointment and find yourself waiting, with time to spare. The Mia Maids of the American Fork 15th Ward, American Fork North Stake [Utah], decided to make that time productive. While they’re waiting, they tie quilts.

Every month they have a personal progress interview with their adviser, and before and after their interviews, they tie light-weight quilts on a frame set up in the adviser’s living room. Ward members donate the materials. When the quilts are finished, they are given to the residents of a local rest home. Actually delivering the quilts is the best part, according to the girls. The residents are very appreciative—so much so, in fact, that the girls have decided to continue the project indefinitely.
