undefined undefined Comment
December 1993

“Comment,” Tambuli, Dec. 1993, 1


A Spiritual Guide

I consider the Liahona (Spanish) to truly be a spiritual guide for me and my family, just as the original Liahona was to Lehi and his family in olden days.

Some years ago, as the full-time missionaries were teaching me, they encouraged me to ask the Lord if the Church was true and if I should be baptized. Although I had doubts, I did pray. Immediately, I felt prompted to pick up the Liahona I had just received. It contained the report of the October 1985 general conference. I randomly opened to a page where, remarkably, the title read “The Only True Church.” This address by Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles helped me make the best decision of my life.

I have been a member of the Church for some years now, and I am looking forward to serving a full-time mission.

I know the Liahona was instrumental in helping me understand that the Church is true. It remains a guide for me, and I hope it will be a guide to the truth for many others.

Katiuska Carreño
Las Acacias Branch, Portoviejo Ecuador Stake

Knowing Truth

I’m so grateful that I know the truth. I’m also thankful for the Tambuli (English), which is an interesting magazine.

Because being a member of the Church is so wonderful, I share my gospel knowledge using the magazine. I know this is a way people can know about the Church and can apply its principles in their lives. One of my best friends in school wanted to look at the magazine, and now she enjoys reading it from cover to cover.

Thank you for helping me know the truth. I know that I am truly a child of God and that I’m a very blessed young woman.

Sally H. Valenciano
Milaor Ward, Naga Philippines Stake

Following Christ’s Example

I feel happy to be able to fill my heart each month with the articles in the Liahona (Spanish). It has taken me by the hand and has shown me the messages revealed to us by Jesus Christ through the prophets and leaders.

The magazine has beautiful illustrations and pictures of members of the Church, who follow Jesus Christ by living his teachings. They are people of all tongues and nationalities. I have a strong testimony of the guidance that this magazine provides.

José Cazorla Granados
Málaga First Branch, Málaga District
Spain Seville Mission

Origin of Primary

We thank God for having the Liahona (Spanish) because it helps us a lot. As soon as I have it in my hands, I look for the articles about Primary because I am so interested in its history. I’m always asking long-time members to tell me how Primary originated and where it began.

We know the Relief Society has been around for more than a hundred years. Please publish something about the origin of the Primary.

Nora Betty Amaya de Silva
Palermo Perú Stake