“Scripture Sums,” Tambuli, May 1994, 5
Scripture Sums
To the right of each question, write its numerical answer. Then see if the numbers add up. See how many problems you can do without looking up the references. You can also use this as a family home evening activity.
Example: How many loaves and how many fish did Jesus bless in order to feed the multitude of five thousand? (See Matt. 14:16–19.) |
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How many times did Joshua’s army circle the city of Jericho on the seventh day? (See Josh. 6:15.) |
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1. How many Articles of Faith did the Prophet Joseph Smith write? (See A of F.) |
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How many times a day did Daniel kneel to pray? (See Dan. 6:10.) |
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The brother of Jared saw this many stones touched by the finger of the Lord. (See Ether 3:1–6.) |
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2. How many days and how many nights was Jonah in the fish’s belly? (See Jonah 1:17.) |
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How many days did it take the Lord to create the heaven and earth and all the things that are in them? (See Ex. 20:11.) |
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3. How many times did the angel Moroni visit young Joseph Smith in one night? (See JS—H 1:30–33, 43–44, 46–47.) |
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How many stones did David collect to fight the giant Goliath? (See 1 Sam. 17:38–40.) |
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How many people were on the ark? (See Gen. 7:13.) |
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4. How many stones did Nephi smite together to make fire to build a ship? (See 1 Ne. 17:11.) |
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A group of lepers were healed by Jesus one day. How many were there? (See Luke 17:11–17.) |
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Elijah built an altar with this many stones. (See 1 Kgs. 18:31–32.) |
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5. How many years did the Israelites eat manna in the wilderness? (See Ex. 16:35.) |
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How many pieces of silver was Judas paid to betray Jesus? (See Matt. 26:14–16.) |
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A special quorum in the priesthood has this number as its name. (See D&C 107:25.) |
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6. How many books in the New Testament are titled “John”? (See listing at the front of the Bible.) |
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How many nights was Daniel in the lions’ den? (See Dan. 6:16–23.) |
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How many good ears of corn did Pharaoh see in his dream? (See Gen. 41:1, 5.) |
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How many apostles did Jesus ordain to help him in his ministry? (See Mark 3:13–14.) |
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