March 1995

“Comment,” Tambuli, Mar. 1995, 1


Living Examples

I do not remember becoming more emotional during these last few years than when I read the story in the May 1994 A Liahona (Portuguese) about members of the Church in Africa. Tears flowed freely from my eyes when I read about their dreams that inspired them to seek the gospel and persevere in living it despite innumerable difficulties with which they were confronted. These members in Africa are, to me, living examples.

Elson Carlos Ferreira
Curitiba Fourth Ward, Curitiba Brazil Igauçu Stake

Thanks for the New Magazine

The members here enjoy the new Czech language magazine, Liahona, very much. It is spiritually uplifting for the members and also helps in missionary work. Thank you for including the Primary songs in the magazine and for the support you provide the Saints here.

Radovan Canek
Church Translator
Vrchlabí, Czech Republic

Editorial Note: The Liahona (Czech) is one of three quarterly Church magazines that began publication in June 1993. The other two are Hungarian and Russian. The Bulgarian magazine began in March 1994. The next issue, April 1995, will be the first issues in Polish, Romanian, Fijian, and Gilbertese.

Seeing Similarities among Differences

Every month I eagerly await the Liahona (Spanish) to read the First Presidency Message and the news and other articles from members all over the world. I feel fellowship from all of them through the Liahona. I see that we are all children of the same Heavenly Father, with the same problems and needs. Also I see that despite different circumstances, geographical places, races, and cultures, we can all be blessed and happy through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Odelia Junca de Simon
Mercedes Branch, Mercedes Argentina District

In My Own Language

I am very grateful to the Young Women president of my ward for subscribing to Sheng Tu Chih Sheng (Chinese) for me. I can hardly wait to read it every month. Because there is no Chinese branch near where I live on Long Island, New York, I especially appreciate this magazine because I am able to gain more clearly precious gospel knowledge in my own language. I have also enjoyed the opportunity to read stories about courageous Saints from all over the world. This magazine has become a great strength in my life.

Peggy Chien
Plainview Second Ward, Plainview New York Stake
