April 1995

“Comment,” Liahona, Apr. 1995, 1


Very Beautiful Messages

I first had contact with the missionaries in 1992. From their first discussion, I felt something special in my heart. As the discussions progressed, I learned of gospel principles that I never knew existed. The first time I attended a Church meeting, I was warmly greeted by the members as though they had always known me.

I was the first member of my family to be baptized. Now my two sisters are also members, and my father is reading the Book of Mormon.

For some months now, I have been receiving the Liahona (Spanish), and I am very pleased with its contents.

For a First Presidency Message President Thomas S. Monson wrote: “The Paths Jesus Walked.” I was touched deeply by his counsel: “In a very real sense, all can walk where Jesus walked when, with His words on our lips, His spirit in our hearts, and His teachings in our lives, we journey through mortality.”

The magazine contains messages that teach so much. The articles about the Saints, and their testimonies, not only help me, but they can also help others who are not yet members of the Church.

Wanda Rivera
Isabela Branch, Mayaguez Puerto Rico Stake


For something like seven months, I fell away from activity in the Church.

But then I began to carefully read the Liahona (Spanish) and discovered the counsel of the Brethren to be both powerful and convincing.

Based on my own experience, I invite everyone who is not fully active in the Church to read and study the messages in the magazine and in the scriptures. If they do this with humble hearts, their testimonies will become so strong they will have the desire to return to the Church.

Cristino Rodríguez
Isla Patrulla, Uruguay

A Faithful Friend

My friend Arnaldo and I both served missions for the Church, but after our missions, I was less active in the Church for almost 10 years. Arnaldo paid for my subscription to the Liahona (Spanish) year after year. His faith has been rewarded. I am again active, have a calling, and have had the blessing of returning to the temple, thanks to Arnaldo and the Liahona.

Alberto Tejada Chacón
Hunter Ward, Arequipa Peru Central Stake

Centered on the Gospel

I have been a member for two years and am 30 years old. The teachings of the Church and the gospel of Jesus Christ have changed my life. I realize that I must center my life on the gospel. From the testimonies that I read in Sheng Tu Chih Sheng (Chinese), I obtain wonderful encouragement and support. I am grateful for those members who share their testimonies in the magazine.

Ngok Lau
Sham Shui Po Ward, Hong Kong Kowloon North Stake
