April 1995

“Contents,” Liahona, Apr. 1995


April 1995

Volume 19, Number 4

On the cover: Für Mária, 16-year-old seminary student in Dunaújváros, Hungary, was baptized four months after her friend, Vereckei Krisztina, invited her to church. Her story isn’t unusual. See “Seminary on the Danube,” page 34. (Front cover photograph by Brian K. Kelly. Back cover photograph by Marvin K. Gardner.)

Inside back cover: Ecce homo, by Antonio Ciseri; Scala/Art Resource, New York. Accused of sedition by the chief priests, Jesus was brought before Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, who could “find no fault in him.” Fearful of wrongly sentencing Jesus, Pilate presented him to the people for their verdict. Jesus came forth, “wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe” placed upon him by mocking soldiers. And Pilate declared, “Behold the man!” (see John 19:1–5).