May 1995

“Comment,” Liahona, May 1995, 1


A Special Present

When I was baptized in 1987, I received a special present—a copy of A Liahona (Portuguese). Little did I realize how precious this magazine would become.

A Liahona is a great spiritual font for me. I always become emotional reading the many spiritual experiences shared in the magazine.

I am grateful for this guide in my life. I wish everyone had the magazine so they could feel the same way we members do when we read it.

Anna Cristina Bittencourt
Gravatai Ward, Porto Alegre Brazil North Stake

Something Special

I love reading the Liahona (English). I treat each issue with special care because I believe the articles by the First Presidency and the other Brethren are inspired.

There are times when I have shed tears as the spirit of an article has reached out and touched me.

Bubuth Vizcarra
Santa Cruz First Ward, Santa Cruz Philippines Stake

Great Influence for Good

I am the only Latter-day Saint working in a hospital that serves five municipalities.

However, through the wonderful articles in the Liahona (English) I am blessed to share the gospel of Jesus Christ both with my colleagues and with the hospital patients.

I feel I am contributing to the missionary effort when I take copies of the magazine to the hospital. It has become a familiar publication there, and its articles of truth and love and righteousness are well received.

It is a blessing to me to see the magazine’s great influence for good among my co-workers.

Wilson R. Rafol
San Lorenzo Ilocos Norte Branch, Batac Philippines District

Children’s Pages

For some years I served in the Primary. During that time, the children’s pages of Liahona (Spanish) were a great help in my calling. The articles also helped me to prepare lessons for family home evenings and to teach my five Primary-age daughters.

My soul is filled with gratitude for the good influence that the Liahona exercises in people’s lives. The magazine serves as a resource to help us understand the gospel message, obey the commandments, and develop faith in the Savior.

Viviana Garay Angulo
Talcahuano Centro Ward, Talcahuano Chile Stake

President Hunter’s Legacy

As this issue was going to press, President Howard W. Hunter died at his home in Salt Lake City. A special “In Memoriam” insert has been prepared to honor his life and mission.

As originally scheduled, the First Presidency Message in this issue is by President Hunter. It is a beautiful expression of a theme President Hunter gave the Church during the nine months he served as our prophet.
