“Sharing Time: Respect for Creation,” Liahona, Sept. 1996, 8
Sharing Time:
Respect for Creation
“All things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth” (Moses 6:63).
The heavens and the earth were created by Jesus Christ under the direction of Heavenly Father. The sun, stars, seas, animals, trees, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and all else show that you have a Heavenly Father and a Savior who love you (see Moses 6:63). It pleased them to create the earth and all the things upon it to bless you and help you be happy (see D&C 59:18–20).
Heavenly Father and Jesus created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman on earth, and placed them in a beautiful garden called Eden. Adam was commanded to take care of the garden (see Moses 3:15) and to name “every living creature” (see Moses 3:19).
You are part of Adam’s family; and you, too, can help care for the earth. You can plant a flower, a tree, or a garden to make the earth more beautiful. Plants also provide oxygen, food, and shelter. You can help save water and food by not using more than you need. You can help keep the earth clean and beautiful by picking up litter wherever you see it.
You can care for the animals by being kind to them and providing food and shelter for them. Animals are our friends and helpers, given to us for our benefit and use and to gladden our hearts (see D&C 59:16–18). Some help us work, some give us food and fiber for clothing, and many give us companionship as pets.
You can thank Heavenly Father for these blessings when you pray. When you care for the plants and animals of the earth, you can show your gratitude and reverence for these wonderful creations.
Use the bottom of a box to create a garden. You may also use a stiff piece of paper or a piece of cardboard. If you are using a box, cut one side away from the box. Color the bottom of the box, the piece of paper, or the piece of cardboard green. Mount page 9 on lightweight cardboard; color the garden plants, tree, and animals; and cut out each one along the solid lines. Fold back the tabs along the dotted lines. Glue the tab of each garden piece to the green surface in any arrangement you wish. If you are using a box, you may wish to color sky, clouds, and a sun on the inside ends and back.

Illustrated by Julie F. Young
Sharing Time Ideas
Invite seven of the older children to participate in a readers’ theater about the creation of the earth, using Moses 2 and 3 as your script, with each child representing one day. Have each hold up a picture to represent the day he or she is speaking about, The script could be printed on the back of the picture.
Place pictures of different animals and pieces of paper with descriptions of what the animals do for us on the wall or chalkboard. Play a game by matching an animal’s picture with the description of what it does for us.
Explain that our bodies are among the greatest creations of Heavenly Father. Because our bodies are sacred and our spirits dwell in them, we should appreciate and take good care of them.
Explain that our senses help us appreciate the beauties and goodness of the Creation. Discuss each of the five senses with the children. Have them: (1) close their eyes and taste foods that are salty, sweet, or bitter; (2) close their eyes and touch objects that are soft, rough, prickly, or cold; (3) use their eyes to put together a small puzzle or describe what is in the room; (4) close their eyes and hear sounds that squeak, rattle, hum, or crackle; (5) close their eyes and smell different things, like a flower, vanilla, burned toast, and chocolate.
Discuss the kinds of animals the children keep as pets. Invite several to talk about the kind of love and care their pet requires. Explain that all life is sacred and should be treated with respect.