Every Nation … Shall Be Blessed
March 1997

“Every Nation … Shall Be Blessed,” Liahona, Mar. 1997, 7

“Every Nation … Shall Be Blessed”

Youth from around the world bear testimony of the Savior.

“All the earth shall see the salvation of the Lord … ; every nation, kindred, tongue and people shall be blessed” (1 Ne. 19:17).

One of the ways the nations are being blessed is through the faith and goodness of the youth of the Church.

From around the world, young people bear testimony of the Savior. Among these is Suele Aparecida Barros of Brazil: “My heart swells and I feel an immeasurable peace and harmony,” she says, “each time I have the opportunity to study the scriptures, to go to church, to hear the prophet through A Liahona, to see persons transforming their lives, to feel the Holy Ghost, to recognize the many blessings the Lord pours out upon my head, to feel the great mercy and love of God as I remember the great sacrifice of Christ and think of the great blessings he makes possible.”

On the following pages are additional testimonies from youth around the world. They speak different languages, come from different cultures—but they all testify with one voice of the goodness of the Lord’s love and the truth of his restored gospel.

“I feel that the Savior has done a lot for us. He atoned for our sins and gave us the ability to repent. He died on the cross and made it possible to live with our Heavenly Father again. It makes me feel good inside whenever I hear someone talk about the Savior.”

Kenny Robertson,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

“Every time I have a problem, I think about Jesus Christ. He is our light, and he makes my life complete. Soon I will be sharing my testimony as a full-time missionary. This is the best way I can think to show my gratitude to God and Jesus, who have filled my life with happiness.”

Lidia Aracel Soto,
Terrazas, Guayrnas, Sonora, México

“As stake and full-time missionaries, we know that it is vital that we bear testimony of Jesus Christ. My own testimony began when I was in seminary. Once we were talking about what Jesus Christ did for us, about how he showed his love for others. I felt the Holy Ghost strongly within me. I know that if we strive to serve the Savior, we can become as he is.”

Juan Carlos Gómes,
Caracas, Venezuela

“I cannot live without the light of Christ. Jesus Christ is everything. He gives tranquility and peace and calms the troubled heart. Majestic is his divine power. I love him and wait with meekness for the day when I find myself with him again. My greatest desire is to thank him for the life and understanding that he has given me.”

Maria Serafina Faria,
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

“I am very thankful to my Heavenly Father for the opportunity to be a member of the only true church in the whole world. I believe in Jesus Christ. I know he is my elder brother and that he loves me. I love him, too. Here in Bulgaria, we members are very thankful for the Church. It is the biggest gift in our lives. His church is a place of peace for me, a place where I can open my heart and share all my feelings about the Lord Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the plan of salvation, for knowing why I’m here on the earth—to perfect myself through the Savior’s atonement.”

Mina Todorova Kirieova,
Sofia, Bulgaria

“I know Jesus Christ died for us and that he hears my prayers.”

Roussel Cabrera,
Muscat, Oman

“Before I joined the Church, when a friend was having a difficult time, I just stood by feeling sad for her. However, when I started attending church, my life changed. I was able to feel changes in my mind. I felt that I was becoming a child of God.”

Keum, Young-Sook,
Kyung Kee-Do, Korea

“I have a profound testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that he lives and that he loves us. Each moment that we live is proof of the love our Savior Jesus Christ has for us. Each day I do my best not to disappoint him. I want to make him happy and proud of me.”

Makalani Tinirauarii,
Papeete, Tahiti

The Head of Christ, by Warner Sallman, Warner Press, Incorporated, Anderson, Indiana; used by permission

Christ in the Midst, by Judith Mehr

Journey’s End, by Derek Hegsted
