“Jesus Christ Blesses His Disciples,” Liahona, Aug. 1997, 14
Jesus Christ Blesses His Disciples

One day when the disciples were together, fasting and praying, Jesus Christ appeared among them. 3 Ne. 27:1–2

When the disciples asked him what they should call the Church, he said that it should be called after his name because it was his church. 3 Ne. 27:3, 7–8

Jesus explained to his disciples that Heavenly Father had sent him to earth to give his life for all people. 3 Ne. 27:14–15

He said that everyone who repents, is baptized in his name, and obeys the commandments will be held guiltless before Heavenly Father. 3 Ne. 27:16

The Savior told his disciples to do what they had seen him do. He had set the example for them. 3 Ne. 27:21

He also told them to write down what they had seen and heard so that others might know of it. 3 Ne. 27:23–25

Jesus asked his disciples what each would like from him. Nine of them wanted to be with him after they had finished their lives on earth. 3 Ne. 28:1–2

Jesus promised them that when they were 72 years old, they would come to him in heaven. 3 Ne. 28:3

The other three disciples were afraid to speak, but Jesus knew that they wanted to stay on earth and help people until his second coming. 3 Ne. 28:4–6, 9

The Savior promised them that they would not suffer pain or death but would do missionary work until he returned. 3 Ne. 28:7–9

Jesus touched the nine disciples, but not the three who were to stay on earth. Then he departed. 3 Ne. 28:12

The three disciples were taken up into heaven. They saw and heard many wonderful things. 3 Ne. 28:13

Their bodies were changed so that they would not die, and they were better able to understand the things of God. 3 Ne. 28:15

The three disciples returned to earth. They traveled about the land preaching and baptizing. 3 Ne. 28:16–18

Wicked Nephites tried to kill the three disciples by throwing them into prison or into deep pits, but by God’s power they escaped. 3 Ne. 28:19–20

When they were cast into furnaces and into dens of wild animals, they were also protected by the power of God. 3 Ne. 28:21–22

The three disciples continued to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Nephites; they are still preaching his gospel to other people. 3 Ne. 28:23, 27–29
Illustrated by Jerry Thompson