“A Tribute to Brother Joseph,” Liahona, Dec. 1997, 33
A Tribute to Brother Joseph
For most of Joseph Smith’s 38 years he was considered a mystery by those who knew him only by rumor. But to those who really knew him, he was the Lord’s prophet and their friend. To those who knew him best—his family—he was also brother, husband, father, son. Joseph Smith loved his family and placed a high premium on his friendships.
It is this Joseph that artist Liz Lemon captures in the paintings reproduced here. While early members of the Church referred to the General Authorities as “elder” or “president,” most of those who knew the Prophet referred to him simply as “Brother Joseph.” The language was his own. He was among friends, and he preferred not to stand on ceremony. And so, in the following pages, we remember once again not only the Prophet but also “Brother Joseph.”