March 1998

“Comment,” Liahona, Mar. 1998, 1


Appropriate Words and Actions

I was inspired by the article “The Daddy Test” in the September 1996 Liahona (English). Since we read this article our family has always tried to use appropriate language. Carefully choosing our words has helped us to also be careful of our actions. Our family has become more polite because we have used “The Daddy Test” as our standard.

Dianlyn-Rhea Brico Paguigan,
Alicia Second Branch, Alicia Philippines District

Strength and Encouragement

It can be challenging for Latter-day Saints to maintain their standards, especially when they are the only members of the Church in their schools or workplaces. However, by reading Seito no Michi (Japanese) I am always encouraged to keep trying.

Satoru Takagi,
Ogaki Branch, Nagoya Japan West Stake


I am grateful that two missionaries came to my house to teach me the gospel of Jesus Christ and that I became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am also grateful for the Liahona (Spanish). Reading it has helped me to resolve concerns and to keep going during hard times.

Eduardo Armando González,
Gómez Carreño Ward, Achupallas Chile Stake

A Positive Message

One night I picked up a copy of the Liahona (Spanish) and found an article I wanted to read. After reading only eight or nine lines, I began to feel happy and peaceful. Reading the Liahona can teach us and help us find answers we have been searching for.

We all need publications like the Liahona that leave us with a positive message and that benefit our lives.

Amelia Marcone,
Santa Teresa Branch, Ocumare Del Tuy Venezuela District

A Blessing

I was converted to the Church during my teen years—almost 20 years ago now. Unfortunately, I read little in Der Stern (German) during my first 10 years as a member. At that time, I didn’t realize what help the magazine could be in my daily life and what it could do for my spiritual health.

During the past 10 years, I have read the magazine and have found it to be a blessing for my husband and for me. My faith and my courage are strengthened by reading about the testimonies and trials of other members.

Morena Müller,
Bolzano Branch, Venice Italy Stake
