undefined undefined Moroni and His Teachings
Moroni and His Teachings
March 1998

“Moroni and His Teachings,” Liahona, Mar. 1998, 2–3

Moroni and His Teachings

Moroni finished the record

After Mormon died, Moroni was alone. He finished the records that his father, Mormon, had given him. Morm. 8:1, 5

Plates would be taken out of the ground

Moroni knew that the gold plates would one day be taken out of the ground. Morm. 8:16, 32, 34–35

Gold plates tell about Jesus

The words on the gold plates tell us about Jesus Christ. They bear testimony and tell us how to live righteously. Morm. 9:8, 11–12, 27

Wicked Lamanites kill all believing Nephites

The wicked Lamanites killed every Nephite who would not deny Jesus Christ. Moro. 1:1–2

Moroni hid

Moroni would not deny Jesus Christ. He wandered about the land, hiding from the Lamanites. Moro. 1:3

Wrote on the gold plates

Moroni wrote more on the gold plates, especially to the Lamanites of these latter days. Moro. 1:4

The sacrament

He wrote many important things. He told how the sacrament should be blessed. He included the words of the sacrament prayers. Moro. 4, 5


He wrote that if we really want to be baptized, we will repent of our sins and serve Jesus Christ. Moro. 6:1–3

Believe in Jesus

Moroni wanted us to believe in Jesus Christ. He said that everything good comes through Christ. Moro. 10:18, 30

Follow the Savior

Moroni wrote that if we love Heavenly Father and follow the Savior, we may become perfect. Moro. 10:32

Moroni knew he would be resurrected

Moroni knew that after he died, he would be resurrected and would live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Moro. 10:34

Illustrated by Jerry Thompson