The Promise of the Book of Mormon
April 1998

“The Promise of the Book of Mormon,” Liahona, Apr. 1998, 5

The Promise of the Book of Mormon

Moroni’s promise

Before Moroni buried the plates for the last time, he wrote a promise to the Lamanites and all others who would read these records. Moro. 10:1–2

Ask God about the record

He said to read the records, really think about them, and then ask Heavenly Father if they are true. Moro. 10:3–4

Ask in faith to know

Moroni promised that if we do so sincerely, with faith in Christ, the Holy Ghost will help us know that they are true. Moro. 10:4–5

We can be perfect

Moroni wrote that if we repent and follow Jesus Christ and love Heavenly Father with all our “might, mind and strength,” we may become perfect. Moro. 10:32

Moroni hid the plates

When he hid the plates in the Hill Cumorah, Moroni’s mortal work was finished. He would “soon go to rest in the paradise of God.” Moro. 10:34

Illustrated by Jerry Thompson
