March 1999

“Comment,” Liahona, Mar. 1999, 1


Blessed by Our Trials

When I read the May 1998 First Presidency Message by President James E. Faust, entitled “The Blessings of Adversity,” I began to sense how much our Father in Heaven loves us and how great the knowledge our leaders share with us is. I love my leaders—the local ones as well as the General Authorities—because they help me to be better.

This article made me remember how much I suffered when I lost my father, but it also helped me understand how wonderful it will be to live with him forever.

Each experience we have can help us progress. Tribulations can teach us how beautiful our blessings are. Now, as a full-time missionary, I teach these truths to others.

Elder Marcelo Leiva,
Chile Osorno Mission

Overcoming Negative Influences

Since I’ve been receiving the Liahona (English), I’ve become more and more interested in studying the articles in each issue. Reading these articles has helped me to develop faith in Jesus Christ and to know how to overcome the negative influences that surround us in life. I have received greater strength for my daily tasks.

Eldrick B. Bongcawel,
San Mateo Branch, Montalban Philippines District

Finding the True Church

I have always wanted to know God’s plan for humanity. For many years I sincerely sought God’s plan in a number of churches, but I never felt comfortable with their doctrines. Now, thanks to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I know that this is the true Church of Jesus Christ. I hope to always be a worthy member of the Lord’s Church.

I wait impatiently for your next issue of L’Etoile (French).

Degazon Nisthone,
Carrefour-Feuilles Ward, Port-au-Prince Haiti Stake

Inspiring Examples of Forgiveness

Thank you for the marvelous article “The Forgiving Heart” in the June 1998 A Liahona (Portuguese). The example of Brother Paul Hulme was wonderful.

As I read about the grand way the Prophet Joseph Smith forgave William W. Phelps, my testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God was reaffirmed. I understood better the significance of the hymn “Praise to the Man” (Hymns, number 27), written by Brother Phelps. He really knew the love and kindness of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Renilee A. C. L. de Moraes,
Araucaria Ward, Curitiba Brazil Luz Stake
