“Contents,” Liahona, Mar. 1999
March 1999
Volume 23, Number 3
On the cover: Front: Primary children and their teacher. Back, upper left: Former mission president John T. Kallunki and Jennie Kallunki with Henriette K. B. Bedie, wife of Ivory Coast President Henri Konan Bedie. Upper right: The Tanoé family at the London Temple. Center: Mother and child arriving at church. (See “Pioneers in Ivory Coast,” page 16.)
Inside back cover: Christ Sitting in the Midst of the Doctors, by James Jacques Joseph Tissot (1840–1920). Concerned that Jesus was lost during a visit to Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph went looking for Him. After three days they found Him in the temple, where learned men were listening to Him and asking Him questions. All who heard Him were astonished at His understanding. (See Joseph Smith Translation, Luke 2:46–47.)