undefined undefined Comment
June 1999

“Comment,” Liahona, June 1999, 1


The Love of Church Members

Ever since I started reading the Liahona (Korean), I have felt I could overcome my problems. There are many beautiful messages in the magazine that help me learn more about the Lord. I also look at my brothers and sisters in the Church with different eyes. I feel their courage, and that makes me very happy. Through the magazine, I feel other members’ love and concern for me.

I don’t have much materially, but I have the gospel. And every time I look at the cover of the July 1998 issue, I feel the Lord’s Spirit near me.

Jong Yoon Mo,
Young Do Branch, Pusan Korea West District

Accessibility of Children’s Section

We have noticed that the children’s section, Kinderstern (German), has been stapled in with the other pages of Der Stern. Many members with children have found this stapling impractical. Children use Kinderstern at home and in Primary, while youth and adults use Der Stern in their classes and talks or for home teaching and visiting teaching. If the two sections are used simultaneously, the children’s pages must be carefully removed and then somehow attached together. If the children’s pages are not removed, children are much less motivated to read them because they are concealed in the middle of the adult and youth pages of the magazine—a place not readily discoverable by a child. We who work with and use these wonderful tools almost on a daily basis hope that Kinderstern will be more accessible to the children.

Christian and Rahel Graub,
Altstetten Ward, Zürich Switzerland Stake

Editors’ note: Our goal is to make the magazine as accessible and as useful as possible for readers of all ages. For the past year, beginning with the June 1998 issue, the magazine binding has included a glue strip holding the pages of the children’s section together. The children’s section is still stapled to the other pages of the magazine. But when the children’s section is removed, it is held together as a separate section by the glue. We hope this type of binding makes it possible for the children’s section to be read and used separately from the rest of the magazine.