“Go the Extra Mile,” Liahona, Aug. 1999, 48
Go the Extra Mile
Gratitude is a wonderful quality to develop, but do you ever stop to consider whether or not people are grateful for you? Here are some things you can do to help others and make them glad to know and associate with you.
Everyone likes to hear please and thank you—even at home (especially at home).
Be on time. If you absolutely must be late for some reason, try to let people know.
Choose the right. Your friends will be grateful they have someone who leads the way in making good decisions.
Help a neighbor.
Bear your testimony when it’s appropriate.
If you say you’ll do something, do it.
Go the extra mile in a household chore, school assignment, or Church calling.
Offer to teach someone else something you do well.
Smile or give a cheerful hello to someone who is sad.
If you make a mess, clean it up.
When you disagree with someone during a discussion, do it politely. Contention drives the Spirit away, but good manners convey respect.
Do small favors: make your sister’s bed, or do the dishes so your mom doesn’t have to.
Be happy and interested when others have good news to share.
Illustrated by Steve Kropp