A Missionary to My Family
August 1999

“A Missionary to My Family,” Liahona, Aug. 1999, 5

A Missionary to My Family

My dad is not a member of the Church, so when I decided to be baptized I talked with him and told him why I wanted very much to be baptized and become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Eventually he talked to the missionaries and gave his consent, and I was baptized on 8 June 1997.

I thought that after I was baptized everything would be perfect and I would like Church meetings even more. However, it did not happen that way. Sometimes I didn’t want to go to church, and I started to miss meetings. One Sunday my mom, who is not a member, asked me why I wasn’t going, and I told her I found the meetings boring. The next week, she asked me to go to church. Even after I got there, I thought about returning home, but then I thought of sacrament meeting, partaking of the sacrament, and all the other good things I would miss out on if I left. I decided to stay.

I am glad I was able to talk to my dad about why I wanted to be baptized. I am glad my mom talked to me about going to church and encouraged me to attend.

Now I want to help my parents and my family. I want to share the gospel with them, but how? I try to be a missionary by becoming more of a friend to my family. I invite them to Church meetings and activities; organize family home evenings; and, of course, ask them to read the Book of Mormon, the Bible, and other Church books with me.

I believe my being a true friend to my family will help them want to be part of the gospel.

Illustrated by Sheri Lynn Boyer Doty

Story Time in Galilee, by Del Parson
