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Latter-day Saint Voices: Called to Serve
August 1999

“Latter-day Saint Voices: Called to Serve,” Liahona, Aug. 1999, 26–31

Latter-day Saint Voices:

Called to Serve

“You have missions to perform,” said President Gordon B. Hinckley to the young men of the Church. “Each of you should plan for missionary service. You may have some doubts. You may have some fears. Face your doubts and your fears with faith. Prepare yourselves to go. You have not only the opportunity; you have the responsibility. The Lord has blessed and favored you in a remarkable and wonderful way. Is it too much to ask that you give two years totally immersed in His service?” (“Some Thoughts on Temples, Retention of Converts, and Missionary Service,” Ensign, November 1997, 52).

Also speaking to young men, Elder Joe J. Christensen of the Presidency of the Seventy said: “The Lord did not say, ‘Go on a mission if it fits your schedule, or if you happen to feel like it, or if it doesn’t interfere with your scholarship, your romance, or your educational plans.’ Preaching the gospel is a commandment and not merely a suggestion. It is a blessing and a privilege. … Remember, … the Lord and his prophets are counting on you” (“The Savior Is Counting on You,” Ensign, November 1996, 41).

On the following pages, readers share testimonies and experiences about missionary service—and express gratitude for the privilege of serving.