undefined undefined Temple Preparation Game
Temple Preparation Game
August 1999

“Temple Preparation Game,” Liahona, Aug. 1999, 8–9

Temple Preparation Game

Instructions: This game will help remind you of some things you need to do before you go to the temple. Carefully remove these pages from the magazine. Mount them on lightweight cardboard. Cut out the game board and the game pieces. On a separate sheet of paper, make an additional set of game pieces. Put one set of game pieces in a small sack.

Randomly put the other set of game pieces on the game board, covering each square. Use buttons, beans, or pieces of paper as markers. Take turns drawing game pieces from the sack, then placing the markers in the matching squares. A player wins by finishing any row of markers across, down, or diagonally. The row may include your own or other players’ markers. If more than three people want to play, you may need to make additional copies of the board and game pieces.

Temple Preparation Game

Have faith in Jesus Christ

Be a good example

Gain a testimony of the gospel

Listen to the Holy Ghost

Support my stake, district, or mission president

Support my bishop or branch president

Follow the prophet

Obey the Word of Wisdom

Receive the Holy Ghost

Be baptized

Attend Primary

Attend sacrament meeting

Pray always

Pay an honest tithe

Keep the commandments

Be interviewed by the bishop or branch president

Be interviewed by the stake or mission president

Obtain a temple recommend

Keep my thoughts and words pure

Love others

Be honest

Be kind to my family

Make the right choices

Keep my thoughts and actions clean

Illustrated by Jerry Harston