September 1999

“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 1999, 1


A Treasure

I am a full-time missionary serving in the Honduras Tegucigalpa Mission. While caring for a sick companion one day, I found a box containing a stack of Liahonas (Spanish) dating from 1988 to 1998. I had found a treasure.

During the time my companion was recovering, I read the magazines and learned a great deal about the teachings of President Ezra Taft Benson, President Howard W. Hunter, and our current prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley. I was so grateful to find that treasure of knowledge.

This experience has helped me on my mission. Each time I share a copy of the Liahona with someone, I feel I am delivering light, knowledge, and a great treasure into their hands. This powerful treasure has changed many lives, including mine.

Sister Verónica Solís Velásquez,
Honduras Tegucigalpa Mission

Uplifted by Others’ Experiences

When I am feeling down, I feel drawn to the Liahona (Spanish). The Liahona always uplifts me as I read the stories of other members who have experienced similar trials or who have experienced wonderful blessings because of having the gospel in their lives.

I joined the Church in March 1993. I am the only member of the Church in my family. I await the day when the Church is able to send missionaries to my small hometown in Mexico. I pray that when that day comes, my family will accept the gospel as I did. I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I know that God lives because I’ve seen His love and compassion in my life.

Ruben Gomez,
Rigby Ninth Ward, Rigby Idaho Stake

An Inspiration in Many Ways

I thank you for all the relevant issues and inspirational articles. When I have free time, I read the Liahona (English) and encourage my friends to do the same. The magazine is an inspiration to me in many ways. It comforts me, renews me, inspires me, and helps me feel closer to my Savior.

Josephine Valles,
Masbate Branch, Masbate Philippines District
