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March 2000

“Comment,” Liahona, Mar. 2000, 1


Liahona Helps Home Teachers

I was very grateful to see the photograph on the cover of the September 1998 issue. With the Liahona (Spanish) in my hand, I went to where my husband was and showed it to him. “What do you see?” I asked.

He looked at it and replied, “A dad fixing a sink.” “Look closer,” I said. And then he realized it was the home teachers making a visit and they had arrived at just the right moment to help a sister in need.

I wanted to let you know that this issue helped my husband a lot. He’s the elders quorum president in our ward. He took a sheet of paper and started writing down what he needed to do to set up new assignments for his home teaching companionships. I also saw him meet with his counselors to plan visits. But most important of all, he made time to fulfill his own calling as a home teacher.

I know my Heavenly Father lives, and the Liahona is one way He lets us know the things we need to do.

Patricia Arias de Moreno,
Vista Alegre Ward, Lima Perú Surco Stake

Messages Help Us Stay True

I belong to a small branch in a little town in the province of La Pampa, Argentina. All of my family are members of the Church, and we enjoy reading the Liahona (Spanish). It isn’t easy to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where we live, but the inspired messages in the magazine help us stay true to the gospel. The Liahona is a blessing in our lives. Thank you for making it possible for us to read the words of the living prophets.

Diana de Vidal,
Realico Branch, Santa Rosa Argentina Stake

Magazine Gives Strength And Joy

Each month I can hardly wait for the next issue of the French magazine. The December 1998 issue was particularly inspiring. The magazine gives me the strength I need. I found the Church at age 56, and in spite of some challenges after my conversion, I have felt so much love that today I think I know how much our Heavenly Father loves us. I am preparing to go to the temple in Zollikofen, and I want to thank you for the wonderful magazine that brings me so much joy.

Simone Czaplicki,
Fribourg Branch, Geneva Switzerland Stake