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Hero of the Month
March 2000

“Hero of the Month,” Liahona, Mar. 2000, 43–44

Hero of the Month

At the beginning of the year, we choose 12 “heroes of the month” as monthly family themes. Then we assign family members to prepare family home evenings centered on these heroes. Each month we memorize a scripture and participate in lessons, games, and activities that help us learn more about each month’s hero and his “powers.”

Our heroes have included the following:

We divide each month into four separate topics—but allow each person to choose his or her own topic if preferred. Some topics during the month we focus on Nephi might be: (1) Nephi followed the prophet; (2) Nephi kept a journal; (3) Nephi learned the plan of salvation; (4) Nephi honored Heavenly Father through keeping covenants. We also choose a hymn or Primary song for the month.

Our hero-of-the-month family home evenings have been interesting, and the children look forward to studying about these heroes and their examples.