undefined undefined Comment
November 2000

“Comment,” Liahona, Nov. 2000, 1


Ivory Coast Pioneers

It is a joy for my family when we receive the Liahona (Portuguese). My wife and I very much like the articles about the worldwide pioneers of the Church. It was good to read about the pioneers of the Ivory Coast in the March 1999 issue.

Knowing about our brothers and sisters in other countries and their great faith, courage, sacrifice, and perseverance is another motivation for our lives, for we are reminded that the gospel of Jesus Christ unites us in this great Church family.

Greg Edison Martins,
Cidade Nova Ward, Rio Grande Brazil Stake

Working with Less-Active Members

Thank you so much for the Liahona (English), especially for the article “Why I Didn’t Want to Go to Church” in the June 1998 issue. As a stake missionary, I encounter lots of members who have concerns. Sometimes I waver when talking to less-active members, but this article helped me learn to be more confident. Now I know better how to help less-active members. This Church will always be there to comfort those who go astray.

Lea Castro del Rosario,
Santo Cristo Branch, Gapan Philippines Stake

Receiving the Lord’s Help

At work on 30 December 1999, I was thinking about the members of the Jardim Paineiras Ward, where I serve as elders quorum president. I wondered how I could help the brethren in my quorum grow in the kingdom of the Lord. Then the idea flowed into my mind to ask the brethren to feed the Lord’s sheep.

On 31 December 1999, I found at my door the January 2000 issue of the Liahona (Portuguese). One of the first talks in this general conference issue was “Feed My Sheep” by Elder Ben B. Banks of the Presidency of the Seventy. I immediately realized how blessed we are to have the Holy Ghost to guide us. I was able to read parts of the talk to the brethren in elders quorum meeting. I asked them to read it carefully at home and to think about this subject. I am very grateful for the blessings I receive when I seek the help of the Lord.

Fernando J. Calderari,
Jardim Paineiras Ward, Juiz de Fora Brazil Stake