“Contents,” Liahona, Nov. 2000
November 2000
Volume 24, Number 11
On the cover: Gertraude and Gottfried Richter of the Chemnitz Ward, Dresden Germany Stake. (Photograph by Paul VanDenBerghe.)
Outside back cover: Nearly 160 years after the first German branch was established, the Church in Germany is growing from within as parents raise their children in the gospel and through convert baptisms as members and missionaries reach out to their friends and neighbors. See “A Foundation of Strength in Germany,” page 34. (Clockwise from top: Christoph and Silke Fleege of the Frankfurt Ward, Frankfurt Germany Stake, with their son, Lucas; the Frankfurt Germany Temple; the Freiberg Germany Temple.)
Inside back cover: King Benjamin Confers the Kingdom on Mosiah, by Robert T. Barrett. After he had taught his people and they had taken upon themselves the name of Christ, King Benjamin “consecrated his son Mosiah to be a ruler and a king over his people, and [gave] him all the charges concerning the kingdom” (Mosiah 6:3).