December 2000

“Comment,” Liahona, Dec. 2000, 1


Liahona Helped in Sharing the Gospel

On 25 January 2000 my mother passed away. She was not a member of the Church, but she lived a good life. Many friends and relatives couldn’t be comforted and didn’t understand that death is part of life. My sister and I, who are members of the Church, had the opportunity to share the gospel with them and tell them about the plan of salvation. They were very interested and wanted to know more about our religion. I didn’t have much time then to explain, but I was able to give them copies of the Liahona (Spanish).

The missionaries are now teaching my nonmember sisters and their families. It has been wonderful to share the gospel and also to have a magazine with messages that are so comforting at difficult times.

Margarita de Oliva,
Virreyes Branch, Buenos Aires Argentina Litoral Stake

Liahona Gift Subscription

I’m ever so grateful for the Liahona (Tagalog). I can find great and compelling stories in it that touch my spirit. Whenever I’m sad I read the Liahona for inspiration. I sometimes cry, sometimes smile, and sometimes feel very peaceful when I read it. I wanted to share this overwhelming feeling of peace with others, so I gave my nonmember friends a subscription to the Liahona. I want to share the blessings I receive whenever I open this magazine.

Arjuna Razonable,
Sampaguita Ward, Novaliches Philippines Stake

Grateful for Missionary Work and Living Prophet

Since I was baptized I have tried to participate in missionary work. Today I am serving full time in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Mission. I am grateful for the privilege I have had of sharing the gospel with many people. The counsel of the Lord’s inspired servants has always helped my companions and me in this work.

I am grateful for everything we receive from the Lord through the living prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley. I was very touched to read his words in the April 1999 L’Ètoile (French) on the essence of missionary service (see “Words of the Living Prophet,” Liahona, April 1999, 19). I am grateful for these inspired words, for they have helped me understand many things about the work we are engaged in.

Elder Timothèe Buanga,
Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Mission
